Poppendieck, Janet. Want Amid Plenty: From Hunger to Inequality
Henderson, George. 2004. 'Free' food, the local production of worth, and the circuit
of decommodification: a value theory of the surplus
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 22: 485-512.
Check out the Food not Bombs website.
Where does their philosophy fit amidst the arguments of Poppendieck and Henderson?

Have you contributed to a hunger drive? Have you heard stories about food stamp fraud rather than explanations of why they might be converted to cash? Many of us have probably had both of these experiences. If hunger is not the problem according to Janet Poppendieck and George Henderson, what is? If Food Banks are not the solution, what is? Why does hunger exist? What are its structural roots? How has hunger been commodified? What parallels can you draw between their arguments and those of Julie Guthman, Clare Herrick, Slocum et al, Tracey Deutsch, Johnston and Bauman and Raj Patel?
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